Quebec, Canada
Quebec, Canada

“Immigrant onboarding in non-gateway Quebec small to medium enterprises” project is funded by the Government of Canada's Future Skills Centre

About the researchers
Financed by
Media diffusion partners
The problem

New employee onboarding and maximizing growth

Industrialized countries depend on immigration to bridge existing labour gaps. Yet, according to the Organization for Economic Development, immigrants and immigrant women in particular face higher unemployment rates than non-immigrants1 . Human Resource Development research shows that workplace onboarding, new employee attraction, hiring and skills development programs, may play a crucial role in this situation as they are credited with improving organizations’ ability to attract and retain new employees2 . Yet, the onboarding of immigrants remains an understudied field3

1. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (2020b). Foreign-born employment.
2. van Maanen, J., & Schein, E. H. (1979). Toward a theory of organizational socialization. In B. M. Staw (Ed.), Research in organizational behaviour (pp. 209-264). JAI.
3. Wang, Z. & Jing, X. (2018). Job satisfaction among immigrant workers: A review of determinants. Social Indicators Research,139(1), 381-401. doi:10.1007/s11205-017-1708z

Unveiling knowledge gaps: The majority of studies examine

Newly hired university graduates'
Various industries in a single analysis
Large multinational companies or different-sized companies in a single analysis
Larger cities that are popular immigrant destinations
Onboarding experiences using cross-sectional quantitative methods
About the Research

A Toolkit for Employers

Why this research is different

Onboarding is treated as a 2 way process
The results of this study suggest that effective onboarding of new workers should be a two-way process in the sense both new and existing workers require preparation and training.
Focus on learning and optimizing learning
Workplace onboarding involves learning that takes place within organizations that each have a unique history, goals and character. For these reasons, two theories frame the present study: situated learning theory and systems theory.
Incorporates perspective of multiple stakeholders
The perspectives of workers from across ranks were taken into consideration. These included company executives, Human Resource personnel, supervisors, immigrant workers and non-immigrant workers.
Small to medium enterprises (SMEs)
Small to medium enterprises here are defined as companies with fewer than 500 employees* and were selected because they have different Human Resources and financial means than their larger multinational counterparts(ISED Canada, 2022).
Manufacturers are the companies credited with driving innovation as well as the advancement of technologies and processes for the production of their goods which in turn, attract foreign investment (Industry Canada, 2020).

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